healthcare staffing

5 Reasons Why Quality Healthcare Staffing is Crucial in 2023

Published On: February 24th, 2023|Categories: Articles|

The demand for healthcare staffing is on the rise. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities in the healthcare industry are expected to increase by 14% between 2018 and 2028. This rate of increase is significantly faster than the rate of increase in other industries. That’s why quality staffing is more important than ever in 2023.

1. High Staffing Improves Patient Safety

A lack of staffing can put patients at risk. When healthcare workers have to manage the needs of many patients, serious health issues are more likely to get overlooked. Staffing limitations also mean longer wait times for patients. Increasing the number of workers on staff can significantly improve patient outcomes.

2. Quality Service Boosts Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction matters in all industries, but it’s imperative in healthcare. Patient satisfaction increases significantly when healthcare facilities can maintain adequate staffing and hire experienced, dedicated workers. Improving healthcare staffing can resolve many issues experienced by patients.

3. Consistent Staffing Decreases Burnout

Unfortunately, burnout in the healthcare industry is high. When workers work long hours with limited staff, they can become exhausted, causing them to walk away from the industry entirely. Not only can quality staffing improve patient satisfaction, but it can also improve workers’ satisfaction. Healthcare workers are less likely to experience burnout when a facility is well-staffed.

4. Better Staffing Provides Consistency

When a facility is understaffed, or if there are issues with staffing quality, it can be difficult to provide a consistent experience for patients. Staffing issues can cause appointments to get pushed back or lead to major issues going overlooked. Patients will likely be treated by a different worker every time they visit. Excellent staffing ensures that patients consistently receive the highest quality of care.

5. It Ensures Compliance With Staffing Laws

Many states have introduced bills requiring healthcare facilities to meet minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. If healthcare facilities don’t resolve staffing issues before these bills go into effect, they could face stiff penalties. Addressing staffing issues now helps prepare healthcare facilities for the future. When facilities increase their staffing and hire quality workers, they can stay fully compliant with staffing laws.

The need for healthcare staffing will only grow in the years to come. That’s why it’s crucial that facilities address their staffing issues and improve staffing quality. Increasing staffing and hiring experienced workers will lead to better outcomes for everyone. Contact us today if you need staffing services!

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